Monday, February 09, 2009


unemployment benefits

Mondays used to be my favorite day of the week. Returning to work to get going on all the stuff I had to do was always a pleasure. Even in the sewer pit of a job I had here in New Orleans. But now Mondays are my least favorite days. Nothing reminds me of the pain of not having a job more than watching all my neighbors go off to their jobs. The offices across the street are suddenly teeming with life. Smoking ladies loiter outside, probably complaining about how tough their jobs are and how little they make.

Today I am off to register at a job center so I might be able to get unemployment. Apparently my unemployment benefits are being contested by the jerks I worked for because I didn’t meet their employment requirements. Honestly I am beginning to think that they want me dead. It was bad enough when they destroyed my fragile self-confidence and then eventually fired me for some bogus reason (if I am so unqualified to do the job, why is my job now being done by someone who is even less qualified than I am?) Now, they want to make sure I don’t have a place to live or food to eat. Charming.

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