Monday, October 22, 2007


Bored now...

My current job is so boring. I breaks my heart to think of other people out there shelving books, cataloging books and answering reference questions and tippy-tap at a computer routing phone numbers. [heavy sigh]

I've applied to two jobs this weekend. I'll keep looking for something more so I can apply to at least three jobs a week.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Locktender's house

Here's a picture of the Locktender's house at Hugh Moore Park.



Yesterday I saw a Little Blue Heron in one of the ponds here at the Lehigh Valley Commerce Center. It was stalking a fish in the shallow part of the pond. Really neat!

Today I have become slightly more deeply ensconced in the company I am currently working for… I got my swipe badge. Of course they spelled my name wrong. I have to spend some time today writing a generic cover letter so I can get that coveted library job (which I will from now on refer to as THE Job)

Monday, October 08, 2007


What about me?

So far no library job for me. Currently I am working at a place called Synchronoss which does doddily diddily stuff on computers concerning phone service. I diddle and doodle all day. Today I saved a cicaeda I found in the hallway. I took him (her?) outside to live in a tree. A couple of days ago I also found a cidaeda shell on a tree. Maybe they were related?

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